Quiz: Mythen und Fakten zur Elektromobilität

2 min

Most experts now agree that electromobility is the technology of the future. Nevertheless, there are still many half-truths and myths surrounding the new technology. Test your knowledge now in our quiz.

According to a TCS study, 50% of Swiss citizens considered buying an electric car in 2019 – a very positive signal for electromobility. But although technological progress has long since made electric cars suitable for everyday use, some concerns still persist. Roughly speaking, these range from "too expensive" all the way to "too short a range." The allegedly inadequate grid of public charging stations and the poor environmental record of electric cars' batteries are among the classic counter-arguments. But what is the truth behind these objections? Try our quiz to see if you can distinguish between myths and facts. And if you get something wrong, Daniel Laager, Head of Electromobility at Primeo Energie, will explain.

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