CO2 Report


Primeo Energie is expanding its customer portal with a new, innovative function for evaluating the ecological footprint. From now on, business and private customers can calculate their individual CO₂ emissions from electricity purchases.

The Primeo Energie CO2 Report shows the following:

  • Amount of electricity purchased (in kWh)
  • Electricity mix (amount of electricity in kWh and percent by production technology: solar, hydro, wind, etc.)
  • Total CO₂ emissions (kg CO2 eq)
  • Mix of CO2 emissions by energy source (CO2 emissions in kg and percent by production technology)

The report contains a detailed and clear presentation in graphical and tabular form. The key figures are shown individually for each measuring point and also summarised for all measuring points.

CO₂ equivalent values are displayed. This means that all climate-relevant greenhouse gases are converted into CO₂ equivalents. The values vary greatly depending on the production technology and the energy source. For example, hydropower is more environmentally friendly than wood, which in turn has a lower CO₂ intensity than oil and natural gas.

Questions – Answers

Where can I find the report?

Log in to the Primeo Energie website and go to My Primeo and then to «Documents and reports». You can then define your personal evaluation using the «CO₂ evaluation» tile.

How do I run the report?

With your personal login to the customer portal, the report can automatically identify your delivery points.

You can access your personal evaluation via the «CO₂ evaluation» tile in the customer portal. All you need to do is enter the desired time period, the desired measuring point designation or delivery point (all are selected by default) and the scope (according to the GHG Protocol) and you will receive your customised evaluation.

For which customers is the report available?

The report is available to business and private customers who purchase an electricity product from Primeo Energie.

The following customers can access their CO2 figures:

  • Customers in the grid areas of Primeo Energie, AVAG (Aare Versorgungs AG) and ELAG (Elektra Gretzenbach) who are subject to the default supply arrangement.
  • Market customers in the three grids mentioned above who purchase energy from Primeo Energie (supplier: Primeo Energie).
  • Remaining market customers in Switzerland (in other supply areas) who purchase energy from Primeo Energie.
What does the report show?

Primeo Energie's CO2 report shows the following for its electricity customers:

  • Quantity of electricity purchased (in kWh), including the share of subsidised electricity (KEV)
  • Electricity mix (amount of electricity in kWh and per cent by production technology: solar, hydro, wind, etc.)
  • Total CO₂ emissions (kg CO₂ eq.)
  • Mix of CO₂ emissions by energy source (CO₂ emissions in kg and per cent by production technology)

CO₂ emissions are categorised according to the scopes (pursuant to the GHG Protocol).

What does the term ‘scope’ mean and which scopes are relevant for me?

For our carbon footprint calculations, we use the internationally recognised system boundaries and scopes of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG), which are divided into scopes 1 to 3. From the perspective of Primeo Energie's electricity customers, the emissions from scopes 2 and 3 are of concern. Scope 2 takes into account the indirect emissions from purchased energy. This includes the emissions from electricity production. Scope 3 includes the emissions from upstream and downstream activities along the value chain. The total emissions (Scope 2 and 3) are reflected in the life cycle assessment.

What are CO2 equivalents?

The CO2 report shows CO₂ equivalents. This means that all climate-relevant greenhouse gases are converted into CO₂ equivalents according to their greenhouse intensity.

According to the Kyoto Protocol, greenhouse gases include:

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)
  • Methane (CH4)
  • Nitrous oxide (N2O)
  • Fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases): hydrogen-containing
  • hydrofluorocarbons (HFC)
  • perfluorocarbons (PFC)
  • sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).
  • nitrogen trifluoride (NF3)

The CO2-eq values vary greatly depending on the production technology and energy source. Hydropower is more environmentally friendly than wood, which in turn has a lower CO₂ intensity than oil and natural gas.

How far back is the data available in the CO2 report?

Data can be generated retroactively from 2021.

What do I need the data for? What can I do with the data?

We have been collecting your data since 2021, so you can track the development of your electricity procurement and CO₂ emissions over time and understand them transparently.

Many companies need the data for their internal ESG (Environmental Social Governance) and sustainability reporting, for example for:

  • SBTi (Science Based Targets Initiative)
  • CSRD reporting (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)
  • GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
  • ClimatePartner certification
  • Individual company/sustainability reports
  • etc.
Can CO2 information on other categories also be displayed?

In the near future, the plan is to include and map the heating and gas sectors in the report as well.

Likewise, an adapted CO2 report is to be made available for property management companies.

The report uses technical terms that I am not familiar with. Where can I look them up?

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