Primeo Energie strengthens security of supply in winter

Primeo Energie strengthens security of supply in winter.

Primeo Energie actively contributes to security of supply in winter. The federal government recently authorised the Münchenstein-based company to pool emergency power generators for the so-called winter reserve.

There is also the possibility of an electricity shortage next winter. To prevent this risk, the federal government set up the so-called winter reserve last year. Production capacities in reservoirs and emergency power generators are kept available from 15 February to 30 April in order to feed the missing electricity into the grid in an emergency and prevent an impending power shortage. 

Since this autumn, Primeo Energie has been one of the Swiss energy supply companies that have received permission from the federal government to bundle emergency power generators for the winter reserve. To this end, Primeo Energie utilises power generators that are already in its Equalio balancing energy pool or integrates new systems. 

Owners of emergency power generators with a minimum output of more than 750 kilowatts (kW) who wish to participate in the winter reserve can register their systems with Primeo Energie at in order to integrate them into the pool and the control system. The systems must be reserved exclusively for the winter reserve in the period from 15 February to 30 April and may not be used for other purposes. The owners receive compensation of CHF 10,000 per megawatt. Primeo Energie then regulates the connected emergency power generators remotely in order to feed electricity into the grid when required.

Primeo Energie has been part of the equalio control energy pool ( for some time. This was also the prerequisite for obtaining federal authorisation for the winter reserve. This pool comprises over 200 power plants that generate electricity, as well as emergency power generators. They are primarily used to provide control energy and to balance the grid frequency, but the emergency power generators can now also be used to ensure security of supply in winter.

Media contact: Viktor Sammain, PR Editor, tel. +41 61 415 43 85, e-mail