Thermal imaging campaign during the 2023/2024 heating period

It is not always necessary to carry out a comprehensive GEAK Plus straight away. If you only want a rough assessment of the energy status of your building envelope, thermal images taken with a thermographic camera are the ideal solution. They make it easy to identify thermal weak points, potential thermal bridges and hidden construction problems. In co-operation with ibih AG and various municipalities, Primeo Energie is offering a thermal imaging campaign at a price of CHF 200 during the heating period. As part of this campaign, you will receive at least six annotated thermal images as well as a clear dossier with a professional assessment of the images from ibih AG. In addition, you will receive a visual representation of possible heat losses and valuable tips on how to save energy in your home. The thermal imaging will be carried out in the first quarter of 2024. Registrations are possible until 29 February 2024 via the following link.

Your advantages:

  • Colour representation of the overall energy status of your property
  • Identification of thermal bridges and heat losses
  • Detection of moisture penetration and leaks
  • Detection of leaking doors and windows

The services of ibih AG:

  • At least six exterior photos of your property with a high-resolution wide-angle infrared camera
  • Evaluation, assessment and explanation of your thermal images
  • Recommendations for eliminating potential weak points and advice on further energy consulting options

Do you have any questions about the programme? Then contact our partner company ibih AG by telephone on +41 62 544 78 30 or send an e-mail to